Your child will Improve In:
Are you looking for a program that will instill positive, lifelong benefits in your child? Would you like to see your child develop unshakeable character? Stay clear of drugs and negative peer pressure?
Develop self-discipline, integrity, and personal responsibility? Learn, respect and the values of goal setting? Persistence through commitment?
A program that you and you’re child will both love?
We come along side parents in developing happy, healthy, successful Kids.
The adult your child becomes will be based on childhood experiences. We are proud to have the opportunity to help you prepare your child for lifelong success.
- Importance of Positive Attitude
We empower children to extraordinary achievement in all areas of their lives through values-based training and positive motivation-
Results Guaranteed!
Kung Fu training helps make parenting easier.
Are You Looking for the BEST Value in a Children's Program?
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Registration is required for all to participate!
1x per Month - Morning 11:30 AM
All event information is a click away...
626 Ridgewood Rd, Ridgeland, MS 39157
@Copyright 2023 Academy of Kung Fu, Inc
Ask about Free Trial Program (601) 856-5051